Terms & Conditions
- The above Room Rates are subject to applicable Government Taxes which are 15% per room per night.
- Our check-in time is 1400 hrs. In-case arrival is before 1400 hrs and after 1600 hrs, room will be subject to availability unless guaranteed. If check-in before 0800 hrs, previous night will be charged.
- Our check-out time is 1200 noon and please note that 50% of room rent will be charged in case of late checkout from 1200 noon to 1800 hrs.After 1800 hrs full night room rent will be charged.
- All non-guaranteed reservations will be held on a tentative basis, subject to availability unless guaranteed by advance deposit.
- Confirmed reservations must be cancelled / amended at least 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid one night NO- SHOW or CANCELLATION charges. Cancellations should be forwarded in writing to our office. In case of no- show, the first night 100% will be charged on agreed rates and taxes.
- A valid CNIC or Passport copy with valid visa is must upon checkin for all staying adult guests.
- In case of any query, please contact our Reservation Department. .
We assure you of our best services at all times and look forward to welcoming you at and your guest atHigh Land Resort.